Sunday, May 9, 2010

Update - Car Accident in Philly!

Sorry no pictures for now - we are currently in Philadelphia, PA. And last night when we drove in, craving a cheese steak, we were in a car accident. Literally right in front of Geno's, one of the best cheese steak places in Philly, was where the accident took place. We parked on a one way - barely opened our passenger side door and a van pulled the door and slammed it flush against the front of the hood. Bending it completely the wrong way. It made one of the worst noises I can ever remember hearing.
The door cannot be closed now.

We slept in a Walmart parking lot last night after trying to figure out everything with the police and insurance for about 3 hours. The Walmart, thank God, was only 2 miles away - being that we are driving with a door strapped as shut as it can get - which makes our truck about 3 feet wider than it should be. Also, thank God for Wren's amazing driving skills. I would have just proceeded to get in multiple more car accidents.
We taped a tarp over the passenger side door - hung up a blanket - made Bowser a fort in the backseat and moved everything around so we could get to our mattress.

We have a lot of decisions to make - we might have to come back home? Wren says it might take 2 weeks to get this all fixed and through insurance.

No one has some VERY UNDERSTANDING and HELPFUL, KIND SOUL they know in Philly who lives really DAMN close to WAL-MART, do they?


  1. Jessie and Wren, My student Joe lives near Harrisburg, and he owes me big time for his project....3 hours from WalMart!! Well, longer with the tarp! love, mom

  2. Jessie and Wren! I'm so glad you guys are okay! I saw the post of "car accident" and about lost my s%*# so anyway...As big of a set back and disappointment this probably is, I'm glad you guys are safe. Sounds like it was good you were so close to WalMart. Good luck with your next decisions and actions. I love you guys and keep us posted:)

  3. Jessi,
    Thanks girl. It's gonna be a rough week and by rough I mean we are going to watch the *&^% out of the discovery channel. We're at the Red Roof Inn. And, might lose our minds out of boredom. :)
    I hope everything works out and we still have money after all this - and we keep truckin'!
    Love you and miss you.
    Think I'll email you now.

    Mom - I might take you up on this Joe guy - if this lasts longer than 5 days... Have you told him what is up with us?

  4. Sorry it's taking me so long to figure out how to post a comment, but we are all rooting for you guys! Wren's grandfather in Florida just called because he checks the blog every day and wanted to know how you both were doing! He really liked the Boston stories. Keep your chin up - I know this will work out and you'll find something interesting to do while this gets resolved. Jessie, you may have a career as a travel writer in your future! Love to all, Jerri and Charlie

  5. that is really awful about your car. I'm so sorry.
    I know that this happened a little while ago, and that I'm posting a bit late. sorry. :(
    on a lighter note, I was just in Philly and can say with some confidence that Geno's really IS the best philly cheese steak ever! I hope you got to go back and try it...
