Sunday, May 23, 2010

Hooray! We're not in Philly anymore!

Hello! That's right, folks! We left Philadelphia, PA on Thursday! Our truck got finished. Here is a picture of the new door, and a picture of the old door. We cleaned our room out, threw Bowser in the truck and were off!

Drove to Richmond, Virginia that night and stayed with a friend of Wren's - Jake. Good to see him, catch up, have a few beers, and play with his 2 dogs - Remy and Tank and also his 6 DUCKS in his backyard!

Currently in Saxapahaw, N.C. with Gabe, Kim and Gabe's family who has a farm out here! Havin' an amazing time. Nothing like a good ol' small town to get you excited about the continuation of this MASSIVE roadtrip of ours.

Oh, did I mention that Remy is a Great Dane that acts like a cuddly little puppy? Pretty cute, huh?


  1. Bet Bowser loves the ducks - with sauce.

  2. Hi you guys! great pix of all - love the pup! Did you just skip the Nation's Captial?? or are you going back?? Since we are living vicariously thru your trip - we should get to make requests...Lincoln Memorial, Dupont Circle, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier....etc???
    love, mom
