Monday, May 10, 2010

Pictures of the WRECKAGE -- well, not really...

Thought I'd provide a couple of pictures now that all the fuss of the accident has calmed down a little...
Wren managed to get the door a lot more closed. Here is a picture of how he 'MacGyvered' the door to stay as closed as possible....

We are safe. Staying at a Red Roof Inn just outside of Philly.... Please make sure to comment and email and call and text as much as possible - being that we have nothing to do but WAIT.

Love, Us (J + W + Bdog)


  1. Looks BETTER than I thought it would. Should be a number of USED Doors around. How's the door jamb & the cowl? If they aren't BAD shouldn't be TOO hard of a fix. Jess remember that you have DISCOUNT car rental thru Team National .. Dad

  2. I love you guys and hang in there! Thanks for the shout out about frisbee playing...Mike and I got a chance to do that here in Springfield too woohoo! Be good and safe and eat delicious food, thats all I ask:) J2

  3. :( bummer. thank goodness you're safe though.
