Monday, May 17, 2010

NYC - all 5 boroughs in a couple of hours....

Ah, the Big Apple. Yep, we were able to make it through Queens, Brooklyn, The Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island in our big ol' truck. Just drivin' through of course...
Didn't run into any problems until PHILLY :) Go figure.
We decided against staying in NYC due to the cost, the hassle of the truck, and ultimately because of our little baby Bowser dog. How spoiled can this DOG get?
We were able to meet up with our friend, Maria, though who lives in Queens and we also got to briefly see Lisa and Shane! Good to see familiar faces in such a BIG place!
Got a couple drinks and some slices of New York style pizza with Maria and then she took us up to see the view from her rooftop! (picture with brown building in the forefront - WOWZA!)
We loved Maria's place and have decided to live a minimalistic, happy life due to Maria's advice! Love you - you tiny little Italian surgeon you!

P.S. Isn't the picture of that cemetery island (what the hell is that place called again?) and the skyline in the background AMAZING?!?

1 comment:

  1. Wow - i love that picture of the New York Skyline & the cemetery! What is the title of that WORK OF ART, by Jessie K???!!!! The colors and the similarity of the shapes - set off by the green? Essay question? Compare and contrast the populations of the two spaces??
    Okay, enough! Did you see the Liberty Bell? Soon you will be free of Philadelphia and you will be sorry if you missed that! love, mom
