Saturday, May 8, 2010

Boston Baked Beans?!

Top Ten List of Best Boston Bits:
10. It's only 2 hours away from Portland, ME!

9. Wren taught Patrick how to skateboard!

8. Bunker hill is a fun trip - there is a huge obelisk standing there as a memorial to the first battle in the revolutionary war - I think there are 294 stairs - let's just say our legs are still burning! (check out the view from the top!)

7. It was Marine week in the Boston Common park area so Wren got to talk mechanics about some of the biggest machines I've ever seen! Very cool!

6. Brownstones!

5. Fenway Park, the Green Monster (which we now know what that is!) and the Red Sox in general - drove around the park a couple times - I believe they were about to play their rivals - the Yankees!

4. Wandering around John Kerry's neighborhood - oh my god, we're famous!

3. Amy and Patrick live 2 blocks away from the original Cheers bar - HELLO?! Even more famous. Wren waited at the top of the stairs - made us all go in, and yell "Wren" when he finally came through the door!

2. Having Amy and Patrick host us in their beautiful apartment! Catching up with them was good times --- Thank you!! I think we've officially made Amy want a dog! Watch out Patrick!

1. This had to be number one - on the first night we got to Boston, Patrick and Amy walked us around the public gardens area near Boston Common - there is a swan lake with 2 huge gorgeous swans in it, as well as multiple geese. Bowser could not resist. He ran to catch them on land, and they just moved to the water. He whined and barked and they honked and hissed. It was an ongoing thing - until Bowser found their nest near the edge of the lake - whatever was in there (hopefuly not babies!) smelled so good he had to RUB in it. He got on his back and was squirming all around until - yep - he fell in that damn lake. Poor pup! Oh my god, we were laughing so hard and were so in shock that we didn't realize the swans saw there chance and were coming in for the kill - and he was stuck - his little arms caught on the side of the cement wall with a helpless puppy face "Mom! Dad!" (That's what his face was shouting!) We ran over finally and Wren helped him out. Welcome to Boston, little dog!


  1. know that we have our own Cheers...the whole gang from ClinMicro etc...& it's the Mandarin!!!!! Maybe we have ESPN; i just thought of that this Tuesday, May 4th. love,

  2. I love that the Mandarin is your cheers Mom! Way to be a 'regular'! :)
