Friday, May 28, 2010

Bowser meet the Ocean... Ocean, Bowser.

Now that Bowser is officially one year old, we thought it best to introduce him to the ocean. The Atlantic Ocean. We headed east from Saxapahaw, N.C. and landed around Carolina Beach near Wilmington, N.C.

It was gorgeous and a perfect temperature - the water wasn't even cold! So, we loved it - Bowser on the other hand thinks it's a little weird. The water coming in and going out all the time - very tricky business. Not so sure what to think about the whole thing. This is why there are no pictures of Bowser in the ocean, sorry. He did manage to get VERY wet though, so no worries.

We stayed just north of Myrtle Beach, S.C. and went to the beach again the next day. As always, there are DOG rules - so we quickly got kicked off Myrtle Beach. Dogs are only allowed before 8am or after 6pm. Rules, rules, I'm sick of all the rules.

I will soon start my own state where all dogs can be off leash ALWAYS and come into every business, and poop and pee in any body of water they choose!! Ha, ha!

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