This thing is harder to keep up with than I would have thought! We are currently outside of Denver, CO - but all y'all think we are still in Florida!
Let me catch you up quick.
After we left St. Augustine, Florida we headed down the coast to Ormond Beach, Florida. This is the place that Wren and his family have been vacationing since he was a little boy. Very cool - just north of Daytona beach and way less "spring break crazy". We wanted to stay at the Coral Sands Inn where they always stayed but it was a little pricey. I say, let's just go with them next year? Right? The picture of the gazebo is on the Coral Sands property.
After a pretty good stay at WAL-MART (total cost: 0$)- we headed to DeLeon Springs in the morning. This is another place that his family stumbled upon on one of their trips to Florida. It's a natural spring that stays at a constant 72 degrees all year long. It felt good with all the FLORIDA heat! I think that's the first time I've ever swam in a fresh water spring....
Bowser was very jealous. They had some HARDCORE rules about where your dog could and couldn't be. 6 ft leash on at all times. Can't tie that leash up to anything. Can't keep your dog in your car for any amount of time, or you get a ticket. And, of course, don't let your dog near the river that the springs feed - there are ALLIGATORS you know.
Maybe Florida isn't the best place for Bowser.
Wren's Grandpa would disagree though. We were lucky enough to go down to Ocala, Florida and visit Wren's grandparents - Jerry and Jan. I think they were excited to see Wren and meet me, but I must say - Bowser stole their hearts. Before we left, he had more ham or turkey than I did on my sandwich! You know how grandparents are - or Great Grandparents - I should say....
Glad we are all caught up! Whew! Gas for that beast must be a fortune. I hope insurance is compensating you for hotel, car rental and such. That must have been a set back cash wise.
ReplyDeleteI do hope you will be able to get to Oregon.. let me know. I have nice places for you to stop in Portland and Seattle.
Hi guys!! seems like the heat is driving you north...i know how you deal with heat and humidity! AC or a lake!! I like Joel with a cowboy hat...and all of the animals. College Station is supposedly a bit like ISU & Ames -right? Thanks for the wonderful update - we will call you on our way to Chicago! Love to you and Wren and a dog named boo (bowser), mom
ReplyDeleteWe haven't asked about getting the insurance to cover the room, rental, etc but we've heard from a couple people we should ask! Will do!
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, gas costs a fortune and i'm bad at being hot. Period.