Saturday, June 12, 2010

a little town in the mountains....

Well we had a couple contacts in Colorado but decided to stay with Wren's friend, Warren in Crested Butte, CO. And boy, we are GLAD we did.

Crested Butte is tiny. It's in the middle of a huge gathering of mountains and let's just say our advice is - drive during the DAY to get there. We left Denver around 2pm and followed our lovely TOM TOM's directions on how to get there. Then, about 20 minutes away (or so said the TOM TOM) we stopped at a local BBQ place. We have found that if a sign says BBQ - we really CANNOT pass it up. It's physically against our nature. (See BBQ picture, and you will understand why)

So we are eating BBQ and having a grand ol' time when we mention to the waitress that we are in fact going to Crested Butte. "Crested Butte? Well, honey, you are about 2 hours away at least. You can't get there from here."

Oh, really? So we get the handwritten directions and are off. 2 hours my ass! We left the BBQ around 7pm. And, by 11pm we were pretty sure we were going to die. No lights, no houses, just miles and miles of the curvy-est, steepest gravel road you've ever driven on. Oh, and no worries if your tire hits the marked "soft shoulder" you will tumble down into one of many RAGING rivers and for sure it will be the end of your days here in COLORADO. Scared yet? How about all the tiny white Aspen trees as far as the eye can see. Many good hiding spaces for scary-movie-type things!

Finally - we come over a hill... and there it is. A little town. Houses. Lights on. Speed limit signs. Stores. Restaurants. OH MY GOD - civilization! It was a very happy moment.

Above are all the pictures from the weekend. After the hellish drive, we really enjoyed everything about this place. Hiking, 'caving', dogs playing, dogs swimming, dogs climbing?, spaghetti and meatball night at Warren and Taylor's. Everything after that drive was beautiful.

Sorry for the amount of pictures - when you are in a place like that it's hard to pick which postcard scene you want to post! Thanks for the good times Taylor and Warren! We'll be seeing you again soon, we hope!


  1. What an amazing adventure! But, please don't tell me about scary forest things...this week i've seen news stories about all the things that scare me about your trip!! You guys look so good & it looks like the Bowser dog is loving it too!! We are off to the Ackerman Reunion - R is cooking up a storm - and oh yeah it is still raining! love, mom

  2. LOVE you guys! Especially Bowser.
