Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Mileage: 228, 931

Hey You Guys!!! (Goonies)

Um, so we started. We officially left on Tuesday April 20th, 2010. Here is a wonderful picture of Bowser and our 'pretty darn full' truck. We love TOTES as you can see! We will surely hate them soon, though.

We are currently in Dirty D - Detroit, MI. We are staying with Jordy who is being OH so kind and gracious and giving us his apartment and bed! Yes! Makes for a very good start to the trip.

Today we walked around Wayne State University, went to a French Bistro for lunch La Petit Zinc ( I think that's what it was called) bummed around on Belle Isle and watched Bowser chase geese. Tonight we are going to some cool Jazz club that has free cover on Wednesdays.

Gotta go dig in my TOTE for a cute dress! :)


  1. Sounds like a fun trip. Oh to be young again!

  2. Woohoo! You're off to see the wizard! Or the U.S. or whatever...I'm so SO excited for you guys. Just know that I will be living vicariously through yous for the next two months. Have fun, be safe and keep bloggin' (this is the first time I've participated in a blog...did I do it right?)

  3. you did it PERFECT... girrrrrrl. :) love you!

  4. Ahhh!!! Have fun guys! Be safe and have fun and love love love. 'Merica!!!

    Love you guys...Jamie

  5. Jess,
    Your Dad's online with you. Love ya BE CAREFUL!!!!!

  6. Look how organized you are! And Bowser is sooo cute in that bandana...have fun!! Love, Lisa

  7. It was really good seeing you again, Jessie, and meeting you Wren (and Bowser, too). I wish you safe travels and lots of fun seeing it all.
    Pap (Don) Whalen
